A personal development product that promotes a goal-setting mindset by empowering kids to create and maintain goals.

Product Page:

Ideation and prototyping: Our team spent countless hours using many ideation techniques, many of them borrowed from Ideo's well known Design Thinking exercises. We were also able to visit a local classroom full of fifth graders to get a better understanding of who would be using this product. We visited the group three teams, conducting user journeys, product prototypes, and questionnaires.
User Personas: Developed to have a better understanding of who would being using our product. Realizing this product was bought by parents and used by kids we decided to develop the personas in family pairs.
Concept Cards: After understanding our primary and secondary user, the team spent many hours ideating products, eventually ending at seven interesting concepts contained in "Concept Cards".

These cards were sent were presented to people as potetional products. After a series of exercises with the cards the people helped us weed out which directions were working and feasible. This was done through one on ones, online through Google Forms, and with a local fifth grade classroom.
Market Research: We found existing products that targeted similar ages and had similar goals. Goals such as promoting healthy relationships with technology, relationships with health, relationships with parents, goal setting, etc. Then, these products were plotted among each other and our own concepts with different metrics (Price, Age, etc.) to help figure out where our product would lie on the market.
More ideation and prototyping
Customizable Characters: Characters grow with user to encourage goal setting.
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Groovie was a product developed for a semester long class called Integrative Product Development at the University of Michigan. This was team project, as each member took on different roles. However this process was extremely collaborative as each member experienced overlap with there roles.

Evan Vollick-Offer: Product Design (Digital and Physical), Graphic Design, Product Engineer, and User Experience Design
Shirley Lin: User Experience Design, Web Design and User Research
Jiaxue Yan: Product Manger, and Product Engineer
Jinny Han: Product Manger, and Copy Writer
Benjamin Fielstra: Data Analyst and User Research



